Your Type of Big Cats

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Want to find out what type of big cat are you? Take this quiz! Trust me, I think you will find your type of big cat! ;) I hope you will enjoy this! :0

This is my first quiz; I just found this out. The picture I used is from Pixabay as the website said if I needed a picture I can go to Pixabay/Pexels/Burst as they made free image collections. I think it is alright. Well, anyway this took a lot of effort and time. I enjoyed making this quiz! :D

Created by: Ish:)
  1. What personality do your friends take you as?
  2. Do you like water?
  3. Which animal would you prefer more?
  4. Pretend you are a big cat. You see a hunter. How would you react?
  5. It is the end! :D
  6. *Sees 10 questions are needed*Ummm it's not quite the end. ;^_^
  7. How fierce are you?
  8. How kind are you?
  9. I'm bored. How would you interest me? (really I'm kinda bored)
  10. It is the real end!

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Quiz topic: My Type of Big Cats
