Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl? | Comments

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  • I'm a tomboy. I love camping, sports, archery and art. I usually wear t-shirts (preferably silver, gold, purple or blue) and either athletic shorts or jean shorts. My mother made me wear high heals once, and I broke my ankle. Sneakers or boots/flip flops please! I hate shopping and all that useless makeup crud. I have many male friends. I love reading and math, and am a good artist and an accelerated student. Great quiz! It tells a ton about me!!!!

    Bianca di Angelo
    • You had me at archery! Its the best!

  • 84% tomboy and 29% girlygirl. I have to admit, dresses are comfortable and support my 'too lazy to get jeans AND shirt on' attitude on weekends. However, i dislike makeup, except for faint lipstick and face cream and clear nail-polish, but thats for health, not makeup makeup. I'm not sporty............. .... er..........

    Lisa The NugFau
    • I'm 0% girly girl, 96% Tomboy, and 58% In between.

      If Im 0% girly girl how am I a in between?

  • OMG i got tomgirl but im totally a tomboy im in no way a girly girl at all i like shorts and trainers i love sports and im comfortable around boys without dating them btw i just broke up with my bf wasnt working out oh well there is always next time k l8r dudes

  • I got an 88 so true I'm a girl my name is Alex( normal girl name right ) but that is my real name and I play football at school and one time I kicked a 5 yard field goal BOOH YA I hope veryose got the score they wanted oh and I'm the quarterback lol yep I'm a girl quarter back

    Quiet girl677
  • If continue to read this comment you cannot stop, okay, If you don't copy this 19 times onto different quizzes,, the worst nightmare will come, if you don't post this 34 times, you will have relation problems, if you decide to completely ignore this, your worst power will reign and you will become a villain, please don't ask me why I know that.

    • It's obviously a scam!

    • why u know that. I swear if I do get nightmare I will scream.

    • ugh stop with that stuff already

    • Stop that. It's not even funny and It's getting old for most of us. Also, as you can read these comments, no one even believes you

    • lmao, i doubt that's even a person

  • Ok. I am a tomboy, but I still wear makeup! This is what I wear: Mascara, Lip gloss, blush, and eyeliner. And yeah, I do wear high heals, SOMETIMES. I love sports, especially gymnastics, soccer, and baseball. I honestly think I should be both! My go-to outfit is a pair of ripped jeans, and a cute blue tank top!

    • Loll, queen! Sameeeeee!!!! However did anyone else answer the boy question with I dont know cause they are lgbtq+? I dont want to feel alone again.

      LGBTQ queen
    • girl i did that i am bi so

  • I'm in between! I love both mini skirts, basketball shorts, and jeans(skinny jeans). But as a little kid I was a tomboy, I hung out with boys and acted like them, I had never liked skirts and dresses then. But now, I'm 15 going on 16, I absolutely adore cute dresses and skirts, but I love to play football and volleyball!!!

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: In between... 87%

    You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!

    Yes, i don'twear skirts... I wear a T-shirt and some pants, simple as that. But nobody apprsheates the beauty of the T-shirt.


  • 88% tomboy
    68% In between
    18% girly girl

    The results were almost accurate, but I'm dissapointed that still many quizzes are this cliche. I posted in an earlier comment to another quiz (a bad one)

    :May 1 '16, 3:14PM

    I really do hate these quizzes much like this one, that have stupid cliche questions like "Sports???" "Makeup???" This doesn't determine a tomboy at all! A tomboy is a girl who has rough or boyish, un-girly traits, not just "Like, sports totally legit GURL!" (imagine in a high pitched voice X3) And what I hate (that this quiz clearly demonstrates) is questions like "Is my quiz good??" "Choose the best answer to make your score higher!" Being a tomboy is a type, not a privilege. All these people who comment too are all "Ya I like, do that sports thingy too!! Such a tomboy! Teehee I like...dirty stuff! LOoool" And I'm really sick of it. Did someone lead you to believe if you aren't boyish you aren't a genuine girl? Please be honest with yourself.

    Now I came off mean, I know. It's just aggravating being one of the only ones that get being a tomboy isn't saying "I LUV sports" and jazz. It's an actual type and I'm done with your girly perspectives on what makes a tomboy.

    End of quote.

    Now I support what I said here. I was angrier with the previous quiz because it misused the type name "tomboy" as a stereotype that says "OMG I TOATS LUV SPORTS AND DIRTY THINGS LEGIT GURL L0oooOl" which is not true whatsoever. I'm glad I had accurate results, but even so, I was dissapointed with some of this due to it's similarity to all those other bad quizzes.

    A nod of respect for your quiz, but you might want to change your veiws a bit dude.

  • Your Result: In between...

    You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl! yay! im a tomgirl! (i have no frekin idea what that is)(duh i know its inbetween but i never herd that expression before) p.s. are you british? u call sneakers trainers and you say rugby, one of britains most popular sports

  • I got an 88 so true I'm a girl my name is Alex( normal girl name right ) but that is my real name and I play football at school and one time I kicked a 5 yard field goal BOOH YA I hope veryose got the score they wanted oh and I'm the quarterback lol yep I'm a girl quarter back

    Quiet girl677
  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: Tomboy 92%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    actually i'm good at walking in heels because of my totally awesome cowgirl boots! :D i like pie.

  • I'm a definite tomboy! I'm from the country I can play in horse crap and I climb hay lofts and all that stuff but I can walk in heels perfectly I'll go shopping if I can get clothes and stuff I can be a girly girl when I want too but I'm mostly always a tomboy.

    Blue Moon
  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: In between... 92%

    You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!

    58% Tomboy
    47% GirlyGirl
    so true but i can work heels

  • Tomboy,yeah I'm more so that than a girly girl. I can't stand makeup and dresses at all. I also hate romance and drama alot too. Being adventurous and thrill seeking is way better in my opinion. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • My friends all wear super expensive Uggs and stuff from Abercrombie and Hollister and I'm just like "Dude, clothes don't make you popular." Cuz I wear t-shirts,jeans (or sweats) and tennis shoes. I don't care about how I look (I only care 'bout my zits, lol) or my clothes.Most of the time, they hardly notice I'm there cuz they're talkin 'bout dating and fashion ans crap.(And I'm 11.)My friends actually care about famous ppl's lives. I belong most of the time with my crush... He plays sports and he's super smart. On the computers our school provides for us, the megapixels for the computer is 1.3 and he said "I bet u dont even know what im saying do u?" and im like "dont under-estimate me. i know about everything ur saying." i can hate him, then like him, then think hes super smart and super cute, and so i just have mixed feelings about him....

  • Your Result: Tomboy 96%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    I agree with the comment about heels because idk how people are able to walk in them. Like seriously how do you not hurt yourself?!?

  • Inbetween - 81%. You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!- That is accurate because I got girly girl 54% and tomboy 54%.

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: In between...

    You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!

    So true :)

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: In between...

    You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!

    So true :)

  • AnonymousPromise, I feel the same way chica! Im your age, btw, and my friends are just like that! I got tomboy! I always wear jackets, dark skinny jeans, and sneakers. Im a straight A studen and usually get called "Bookworm" Or "Nerd" and...I like this guy, yet i hate him, but hes always picking on me...He probably doesnt like me, and thats really depressing... :(

  • You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!

    and u know, this is indeed a true fact:D

    JMS Rose
  • Your Result: Tomboy 92%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    Ya ikr! Almost tripped being flower girl at wedding.

  • For a fact I never have liked wearing dresses makeup and over excessive dressing . Idc how I look infront of boys so I am a tomboy and others in my school say being a tomboy isn't lady like. Idgaf about being ladylike I'm a person

  • I'm a Tomgirl (Tomboy and Girly Gilr), so yes i got in between). I can understand how I'm a Tomboy, because I like sports, I have some male friends, and do some Tomboy stuff. I like to wear dresses, wear High heels, and i act like a girl


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