PUTZthecat100's Profile

Joined on Jul 22, 2014
Status Level: Experienced
PUTZthecat100's Quizzes
- PUTZthecat100's 2nd Shoutout Quiz[published: Jan 10, 2016, 1 comment]
Oh no! A stinkbug just landed on my arm and i accidentally squished him against my leg and 3……
- Can You Get 100%?[published: Jun 27, 2015]
So... Can you guess all the right answers? is it even possible to get 100%? (yes, yes it is) 150 symbols...……
- My Shout Out Quiz[published: Jun 20, 2015, 9 comments]
Ok, so this quiz is to celebrate my friendships with people, I also missed some people like FullMetalOtaku and……
- what color should your hair be?[published: Jul 30, 2014, 9 comments]
There are many people with hair... lol. but what color hair should you have? (in my opinion) it……
- Are you Awesome?[published: Jul 28, 2014, 6 comments]
There are many people who think they are awesome... maybe some other people do to, but do I think you are……
- What cat are you?[published: Jul 27, 2014, 8 comments]
There are many cat people but which cat are you? I don't know you don't know nobody knows... You might not……
- Are you a pickle?[published: Jul 26, 2014, 5 comments]
There are many people on this earth, but few pickles... no wait there's a lot of pickles... anyway, What is a……
- How Pyschic are you?[published: Jul 25, 2014, 4 comments]
There are many good guessers, but few true pyschics. pyschic is, after all, quite exeptional. What is a……
- what mythical animal are you?[published: Jul 24, 2014, 8 comments]
many people wonder what mythical creature they are, if you do this is your time to find out!……
- Fun test: how well do you know PUTZthecat100[published: Jul 22, 2014, 3 comments]
There are many humans on this earth not very many ACTUALLY know me but you may have……
- Fun personality quiz: what do i think of u[published: Jul 22, 2014, 13 comments]
There are many awesome people... but few people that i like... SO DON'T BE UPSET IF U……
PUTZthecat100's Recent Posts
"Ya XD"
"What show"
"Lol greetings fellow cat"
"I remember you a little bit "
"Hi people!! :D"
"So... Hi"
"What's your favorite color"
"reddish bronze like a rust color"
"why do you guys hate eachother!?"
PUTZthecat100's Recent Quiz Comments
"Thanks everyone! Please comment :)"
1 -
"Hey guys I'm making my shout out quiz in a second :)"
1 -
"11-15 I'm 12 * does an epic jump high five*"
1 -
"Finn!!!!!!!!!:D :D ;) ;) :D :D"
1 -
"What Does The Fox Say? I Got Fox, (So Accurate!!!)"
1 -
1 -
"Marco, i like the details >:) lol"
2 -
"im not a killer. (dammit)"
1 -
"lol high5 Mangle"
1 -
"5% happy... doncha think thats a little high for me?"