ShyTimeTraveller's Profile

Joined on Feb 5, 2020
Status Level: Novice
ShyTimeTraveller's Quizzes
- The Ultimate Vocabulary Challenge![published: Feb 20, 2020, 2 comments]
Beware! If you hate the English language or anything relating to vocabulary, then run away……
- Unconventional Personality Quiz![published: Feb 17, 2020, 6 comments]
Which fabled animal or individual do you most relate to? Take this quiz to find out! There are……
- How good is your WW2 knowledge?[published: Feb 16, 2020, 1 comment]
This is my second quiz and since I'm into WW2. I decided to do it on said subject. This quiz is……
- Do you belong in a different era?[published: Feb 06, 2020, 3 comments]
Have you ever felt slightly different from your friends? Have they ever questioned your……
ShyTimeTraveller's Recent Posts
"Ok. "
"What did you pick?"
"I made all the answers similar numbers, to make it slightly harder for people. If I'd put 100, 400 and 100,000. People would know straight a..."
"[poll.1yE] My Poll is about my curiosity to find out what era people feel they'd want to travel to if they had a time machine."
"[no urls]"
"[no urls]"
ShyTimeTraveller's Recent Quiz Comments
"Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
Your Result: Tomboy 88%You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys,…"
1 -
"I agree. That's creepy. I like this quiz site and I don't want it to be spoiled by disgusting people."
In response to Hot girl10:
"I have this one kid and we have kissed we even…"
2 -
"I agree with you Nightflower."
1 -
"You are 60% white! 60%
You are mostly white, or more than half anyway. You definitely have a lot of stereotypical white qualities…"
1 -
"How do you really look?
Your Result: Brown hair, green or brown eyes 93%You are the type that tends to have a good self…"
1 -
"Which Celebrity Do You Look Like?
Your Result: Selena Gomez 86%
resultYou look like Selena Gomez! You have her beautiful…"
0 -
"The 17th to mid 19th century political spectrum quiz
Your Result: Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Republican
…"2 -
"That's disgusting."
In response to rogue:
"I eat, clean house without clothes on because I…"
0 -
"You Are 59% Strange! 59%
Based on your score, it seems you do have a healthy dose of strangeness. You aren't THAT far out, but…"
1 -
"You are 35% Weegie 35%
no bad, no bad you can stay awhile longer tae see if you can learn a wee bit more about this wonderful…"