Are you a THERIAN quiz

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Hey! Thought I'd make a Therian quiz to give a little bit of guidance to anyone out there who needs it. Do you think you're a Therian? Let's find out!

This quiz has 10 questions, two of which don't count towards your score. Have fun, my little Bojangles Chicken Sandwiches! (don't ask abt that lol >:3)

Created by: Jonquantavius
  1. Do you feel a connection with an animal or animals in particular?
  2. What is your favourite color? (no effect just curious lol)
  3. Do you feel sad or disappointed about being a human?
  4. Do you feel happy when on all fours or when wearing animal like accessories?
  5. What would you rather spend your free time doing?
  6. Do you often feel like you have an animal part (tail, ears, fur, etc.) that isn't really there?
  7. Why did you take this quiz? (no effect)
  8. Do you often get urges to run around on all fours or make animal noises?
  9. Do you often do animal cosplays or roleplays?
  10. Do your thoughts processes ever feel animalistic?

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Quiz topic: Am I a THERIAN quiz
