Do you know about therians? (possibly not accurate)

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welcome to how well you know about therians! some of these may not be accurate as I am an new therian and know as so but not to much about therians! If I made any mistakes please leave a comment!

as well, this is just for fun or to see if you new and want to know more! Enjoy! (image not by me!!!). Please don't harass me for misinformation and criticize me. that is not appretiated.

Created by: Zora!
  1. what is a therian?
  2. what are the "possible" shifts a therian could have?
  3. Do you have to be a therian to wear gear and do quads?
  4. What are some animalistic urges a therian can have?
  5. 5 more left! What are the most common theriotypes?
  6. Why do therian's do quads and wear gear?
  7. Why do therian's act like animals?
  8. How many theriotypes can you have?
  9. Is being a therian a choice? (like how you can choose to be a furry)
  10. Last one! Can you be a furry as a therian?
  11. Bouns! How did you like this quiz! (will not effect score)

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Quiz topic: Do I know about therians? (possibly not accurate)
