Are You A Leader or a Follower?

Thingg One™ therapy today...ugh!...but anyway..."It look like her coochie stinks"-Tyler Hawkins-Doingg somethingg laturr whiff Dominique and Hannah Boo...text it;offline!! i hi hi hih

ok like her coochie stinks"-Tyler Hawkins♥-Doingg somethingg laturr whiff Dominique and Hannah Boo...text it;offline!! jdjsjhruneruh fgjrkyth4 rhjytehrjthy kybruw jrh7ir

Created by: Tylerr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pretend: You are wearing hot pink skinny jeans,and your friend says,ew! those are ugly. You are most likely to...?
  2. You Set Trends?
  3. Which letter is most important?? (this is a very critical question)
  4. Are you afraid to be yourself sometimes?
  5. Pretend: Prom!! Your friend hates your dress? What do you do?
  6. Pick a pie?
  7. About how many BEST friends do you have?? pick the closest group
  8. Have you and your best friend planned on going to college together?
  9. Pick a number?
  10. Do you think you are a leader or a follower?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Leader or a Follower?