Are You A Leader or a Follower? | Comments

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  • Some people are just born natural leaders i think im like that because i usally step out of my comfort zone and people usally chase after me. because i have a really powerful and strong personality so i can push a few people around to get what i want and my friends follow me im kinda the queen bee of my group and man i walk over people alot guys aspecially they so easy !!!!!! haha jokes

  • Are You A Leader or a Follower?
    Your Result: Follower

    Whoa buddy..You may not agree with this,but think about what I'm about to tell you..this doesn't mean your a follower,it means that you need to learn to think for yourself,set your own trends,and become an individual. Take what this quiz has told you,and apply it to may find that this advice helps,if you still feel strongly about your result,retake the quiz..if you get this answer a second sorry,but that is the way the cookie crumbles..good luck :)

    In the Middle

  • cool i got inbetweener! i think i'm more of a person that questions the leader but still doesn't follow what they say! hey peoples i wanted to know if you wanted to take my quiz the Url is "daytime_moon_part_ 1" ! hope you like it!

  • in the middle, sometimes i like being leader and sometimes i don't so yaaa.... this quiz was good.

    x aka mrlq x
  • Cool quiz


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