Ebillan's Profile

Joined on Feb 8, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
Ebillan's Quizzes
- What does your favorite candy say about YOU?[published: Dec 26, 2009, 2 comments]
There are many different types of candy out in the world. The most popular included……
- Which Element Are YOU?[published: Dec 22, 2009, 5 comments]
The known elements in the world are water, fire, air, and earth. What are they, and what do they mean to……
- What Movie Hero Are You?[published: Dec 01, 2009, 6 comments]
There are many movies in this world that many people like to watch. A select few get to become world……
Ebillan's Recent Posts
"White moon rises into the starry night; Children are shielded in its bright whtie light; The stars shine brightly as Artemis r"
"I've decided to write a book about this girl named Boo, and post some of her blogs online. I want some people to actually come to my site an..."
"LOVE CSI: New York and Vampire Diaries. I never miss an episode."
"I HATE all commercials. they interupt my TV time. Especially last night during CSI: New York."
"Is the Vampire Diaries show/book better than Twilight, or is is switched? I'm just curious, because LJ smith (Writer of the Vampire Dairies)..."
"Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, Robert Pattinson, Billy Ray Cyrus, Taylor Lautner, i can stand Kristen Stewart, but only for a l..."
"My fav movie has to be either Polar Express or Jack Frost. Depends on my mood."
"There's this guy at school woh acts like he really likes me, but when I'm around him, he acts different, almost mean. What should I do?"
"the weirdest song to me has to be "Hotel California." It gets on my nerves."
Ebillan's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Mixed
You don't really fit into one specific group. You love to mix things up a bit and that's great. You are your…"
1 -
"100%!!! Whoohoo!!!"
1 -
"Didn't really find it funny. So disgusting..."
1 -
"I love the name Avia!!! It's so pretty!!! Funny how all the boys' names have to do with Twilight. Oh, boy..."
2 -
"Weird and crazy. You got it! So true! That's all people call me."
1 -
"Ok. I got poodle/bunny and it said that I cry on little kid coasters. So NOT true!!!!!"
1 -
"Tomboy. Nice! So true. All of my friends are girls, save one guy, but I wish I had more guy friends..."
1 -
"White tigers are my favorite animals! LOVE the quiz!!!!"
1 -
"I'm the GEEK GIRL??? So not true."
1 -
"100%. So true!!! I want to MURDER Justin Beiber!!!!!!!!!!"