Are you independent or a follower?

Some people are leaders, some followers. Some do what they want to do, and won't let you tell them otherwise, while others just like to fit it. Then, there are those in between.

What are you? Are you independent, happy to do things for yourself and go where you please? Are you a follower, content with what your friends choose and depending on others? Or are you in the middle, a mix of yourself and other people?

Created by: Alex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friends were going to a movie that you really didn't want to see, what would you do?
  2. If a group of people are going to a concert of someone you really don't like, would you go?
  3. You don't have any plans and feel like going to the mall. What do you do?
  4. If you really like a pair of shoes that no one else likes, would you still buy them?
  5. When something (band, style, place) is popular, do you go along with everyone else?
  6. How much do you worry about what other people think of you?
  7. If you have the option to read something at school alone or in groups, how do you work?
  8. Are you happy with what you have (cellphone, clothes, iPod, etc.)?
  9. What are your friends like?
  10. What do you usually do during the weekend?

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Quiz topic: Am I independent or a follower?