Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

This is a fun and easy quiz to find out of you're good or bad! Hope you enjoy it! This is my second ever quiz. My first quiz, What Heroes of Olympus / Percy Jackson Character are you?, Can be found on the new quizzes page. I also have a poll to find out Who is the most irritating out of these characters?, So be sure to check that out too.

In this quiz, I'm going to ask you questions, and you date them according to the table. That just because it says you're a witch, doesn't mean you can sing like Cyntheia Erivo or Ariana Grande!

Created by: Glinda
  1. You see a little old lady fall over. What do you do?
  2. You really want some gum. You go to get some from the shop, then realise you don't have any cash. The gum stand is right by the door and no one is looking. What do you do?
  3. Your best friend's cat died this morning. They call you up in tears. What do you do?
  4. You are at your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. They're on the dog walk and aren't back yet. You chat with their mum then she goes to the loo. You decide to practise your dance routine and knock over a vase that breaks. What do you do?
  5. Do you like Taylor Swift?
  6. Look at your socks. What are they like?
  7. Your little sister wants to play Barbie with you. So you...
  8. Are you vegan?
  9. Have you ever killed an endangered species?
  10. Are you gonna rate this quiz, please do!(Doesn't effect score)

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Quiz topic: Am I a good witch or a bad witch?
