How well do you actually know Heroes of Olympus?

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Do you really know Heroes of Olympus? Take this quick test to find out! All you have to do is answer 25 questions to find out if you really know Heroes of Olympus!

Please, no hate, but feedback is appreciated, so let me know if you see a mistake. I don't own Heroes of Olympus, so credits to Rick Riordan. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Niko Parrish
  1. How many demigods go on a quest on the Argo II?
  2. Which three half-bloods go on the quest in The Lost Hero?
  3. Who lost their memory in The Lost Hero?
  4. Which three half-bloods go on the quest in The Son of Neptune?
  5. Who lost their memory in The Son of Neptune?
  6. Who was imprisoned by twin giants?
  7. Who goes off on a solo quest in Mark of Athena?
  8. Who falls into Tartarus in House of Hades?
  9. Who ends up on Calypso's island?
  10. Which three characters go on a quest to recover the Athena Parthenos?
  11. Which two characters have blonde hair?
  12. Which character is vegitarian?
  13. Which character is lactose intolerant?
  14. Which of these characters ISN'T dislexic?
  15. What's the name of Jason's sword?
  16. Who is Jason related to? (By actual parent, not just godly parent.)
  17. How many books in Heroes of Olympus?
  18. Which two characters have blue eyes?
  19. Which of the following characters WASN'T in love with Percy?
  20. What's the name of Leo's Dragon?
  21. Who raised Jason?
  22. Which giant did Piper, Jason, and Leo fight?
  23. Who is First Nation?
  24. Which two giants held Nico captive?
  25. Who died at the end? :(

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Quiz topic: How well do I actually know Heroes of Olympus?
