Are you a good leader?

this quiz will see if your a leader or not balgh blah blah you can see what im talking about. LEADER SHIIP ROCKS always do it its great makes you feel

tinglely inside so always HAVE LEADERSHIP ALWAYS!!! always have fun with the quiz! have a great time! a very good time smile more it will help trust me

Created by: the mongoose
  1. when someone doesn't listen to you do you....
  2. If someone asks you to teach a class at something you are really good at would you......
  3. if you had a job and you could choose one group of people to teach would you.....
  4. if someone is being mean to someone else would you....
  5. if someone is having trouble leading a crowd to do something would you...
  6. are you a gamer?
  7. do you do acting or preforming on stage
  8. do you ask questions at school or even raise your hand?
  9. do you like the quiz so far??{ this won't effect anything}
  10. do you want to be a leader?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good leader?
