Which Federal Leader Are You?

Canada is in the midst of a record breaking election. Some people like to talk policy or platforms, but what really matters is What Federal Political Leader Are You?

Find out now thanks to this great quiz verified by Stats Canada to be incorrect 9 times out of 10. Answer honestly to figure out which federal leader you really are on the inside.

Created by: No Funswick

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do young people think of you?
  2. Are you cool?
  3. What song best describes you?
  4. When I say "war" you say:
  5. You liked to be referred to as:
  6. What do you think of women?
  7. Favourite mode of transportation?
  8. Hey baby, can I have your number?
  9. Are we in a recession?
  10. Israel and Palestine..
  11. What do you think of the Senate?
  12. Where ya from?
  13. When giving a speech you like to:

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Quiz topic: Which Federal Leader am I?