Leader animal quiz

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The wolf is the leader so if you get her you leader! Lion is second in command so you would know if you were a soon to be leader. And a horse is the member

Let’s see if your her! But anyway imma just say stuff now some of these questions were based off of things that happened in my life so don’t take them to personal or wonder how I came up with the idea

Created by: Mc Donalds
  1. Let’s say you have an idea that you tell your leader, but she doesn’t like the idea, what do you do?
  2. You see your best friend being bullied by your cousin! What do you do?
  3. You and your cousin get in a fight, what do you do?
  4. You look up to your big sister, and she has just had a baby. She asks you to feed her animals for her if she pays you, what do you do?
  5. Not the Last question! What do you think is your role?
  6. Your favorite animal?
  7. Favorite color?
  8. Eye color?
  9. You have always wanted a horse and a cat, now you have a chance to get one, but only one! Which?
  10. Your dog is suffering, and only a 5000 dollar surgery would save him. You don’t have the money and you would have to pay the rescue back for it, what would you do?

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