Are you a Furry? Quiz!

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Do you want to be a furry or worried that you are a furry? Take this quiz! It will tell you all the questions about being one. dfgdftdytfccrgcghhcugfcf

This quiz will ask you questions then gather the data to see if you're truly a furry or not. hgdegdehgdehgghdehghhwuyrhebdgshshbdhshsnndhdhdhdbdhdghshs

Created by: Will of buy amazing fursuits!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your gender
  2. Do you think furries suck?
  3. Do you consider yourself a furry?
  4. What is the most popular fursona at the moment?
  5. are protogens cute af ^w^
  6. Do some people want to ban 'Awooooooooo'?
  7. What is more expensive?
  8. Where was the last furry convention held?
  9. What do beans refer to in the furry fandom?
  10. Furries for life?
  11. what is your age

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