What's Your Fursona Species?

Are you a young fur, a random stranger or a new addition to the furry fandom? Are you wondering what fursona species you might be? This quiz could help!

(Please keep in mind that I only put in very common fursona species and that some answers are gonna be inaccurate. I'm only a child don't bully me lol)

Created by: Lito the Protogen
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. Someone offers you the chance to hang out. What do you say?
  3. What would you do in a fight?
  4. What would you rather eat?
  5. What's your sleep schedule like?
  6. What books do you read?
  7. What's your favourite colour?
  8. What fursona species do you think you might be?
  9. Are you social?
  10. How was this quiz? (WON'T AFFECT ANSWERS)

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Quiz topic: What's my Fursona Species?

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