Are you a dragon

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Hiii! Welcome to my quiz! In this quiz I will be determining if you're a dragon or have some dragon blood in you (aka magic blood) I appreciate you for being here and thank you for taking my quiz!!

Please keep in mind, this quiz is being written by a Kitsune. I have an adopted brother who is a dragon so this is how I got info from. Sorry if it's a little off, my brother's not very good with magic lol.

Created by: Yuki
  1. How old are you?
  2. Gender?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. Someone makes you angry, what do you do?
  5. Do you growl randomly? (Be honest XX)
  6. Soooooo, if you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  7. Do you like meat?
  8. Would you be friends with me? o(*▽*)
  9. ANYWAYS, why are you even taking this quiz in the first place?
  10. Okay!! Bye bestie!!

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Quiz topic: Am I a dragon
