What dragon are you?

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hello, and welcome to my first quiz! find out whatdragon you are and be a shy black dragon, afeisty red dragon, a nature-loving green dragon,or a peaceful maroon dragon.

so find out what dragon you are today, at gotoquiz and sign up today! But wait, keep a lookout for anew quiz every week! thanks and have fun learning what dragon you are!

Created by: warriorsfan32
  1. how do you feel about working in groups?
  2. whats your fav place?
  3. if there was a new kid halfway in the year, what would you do?
  4. if you saw a strange shadow on your wall, what would you do?
  5. what kind of dragon do you think you are?
  6. where do you want to move when you grow up?
  7. if it was your birthday party, where would you have it?
  8. where do you like to swim?
  9. what dreams do you have?
  10. if you saw a kid being bullied, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What dragon am I?
