Are you a COOL person?

sorry limits keep annoy me r32787895754757854789578957547579879579379789479857985789798563768687387554545467546785754785478547877878457854787878578548745875

heres a test that will se if your a anti fur or not. limit breaker: 7634257547789785478547875475566767778783578787857854783787878957895789387375473847778

Created by: angus1637
  1. if youwhere an animal which one
  2. is being a therian a choice
  3. are therians furries
  4. how many hate comments have you sent
  5. (FOR RUSSIA PEOPLE ONLY) whats your faviroute season
  6. are you a red guy with famous red flag
  7. is there a problem with being therian
  8. is 'YoU NeEd At LeAsT 'a large amount of omething' Annoying?
  9. do you call people fatherless
  10. do you have a google classroom account
  11. 3 more to go: What is your faviroute flag?
  12. do you belive your an animal
  13. second-to-last of all are you a parent?
  14. last question: do youhave youtube?

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Quiz topic: Am I a COOL person?

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