Who is your godly parent?

This is a quiz to tell who is your godly parent! Please get started and just answer these honestly! Thank you! Also you do not to read the paragraph below because it is useless. Sorry, but I hate the 150 letter thing because it is not necessary! I will be making this more accurate when I can. Please comment and give some constructive feedback on this quiz. If you have any suggestions please write it in the comments and please please please rate this quiz! This is only my 5th quiz so it is not the best quiz. Thank you for taking this quiz! Thank you! Now you can start!

Okay, I am sorry but I hate this paragraph! Why does it have to be so long! Not the word amount yet so I am just going type some random things.uhuhuhihgcfxfdshbjbuubuubyivyuvtdytdytcfuvjbdrtesersetdtrrdtyfyubukjniknk?!unuo

Created by: 12345678
  1. Are you sustainable?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. Choose one
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Do you like love hearts?
  6. Who is your godly parent?
  7. Water
  8. Are you pretty?
  9. What is the meaning of hydrophilic?
  10. Ideal birthday present
  11. Fatal flaw
  12. Biggest fear

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Quiz topic: Who is my godly parent?
