Which Olympian is Your Godly Parent?

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You're about to find out who your godly parent is. This means if you were a demigod (half-god, half-human, and who says you're not?) who your parent on the godly side would be. Just answer the questions (they're not too personal) and once you're finished, just exit the claiming booth! Enjoy and here's the first time you're gonna hear it... don't die. It's bad for your health.

There are ten godly parents that you can get: Zeus, Athena, Hermes, Dionysus, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Apollo, Demeter, and Poseidon. The reason Hera and Artemis aren't on this list is that Hera only has children with Zeus so if she had a child they would be a full-blooded god and Artemis took a vow of chastity to be an eternal maiden. Athena did too but sometimes children are born from her the same way she was born - as a thought.

Created by: ChildOfAthena
  1. Let's start off easy. What is your favorite color?
  2. How would you spend your ideal weekend?
  3. You just finished writing a book that you poured your heart and soul into. What's the title?
  4. Which of the following animals do you feel the strongest connection with?
  5. Which power sounds more appealing?
  6. Which title fits you better?
  7. Which is your sanctuary?
  8. What is your fatal flaw?
  9. What would you say is your best quality?
  10. It's your birthday and you get a neatly wrapped gift from your friend who knows you well. What is it?

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Quiz topic: Which Olympian is my Godly Parent?
