*Real Therian Quiz** | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz *Real Therian Quiz**.
*You're a therian yes or no 85% 85%
*You are Therian A therian identifies as a species of non-human animal on every level except physical. They often engage in their animal identity's behaviors. You may be a therian if you notice yourself shifting (getting impulses to behave as a non-human animal) or if you remember a past life as a specific animal.*
TJW1 -
surprised i got 60%. i'm just a furry. yeah i know what therians are, and yeah i'd rather be an animal if i could choose to, but that's all. doesn't mean i am a therian.
labcrux2 -
I'm a therian but the "do you like animals confused me,so next time please be more specific
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