What Chernobyl NPP worker are you

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Based on the HBO serie: Chernobyl (2019), you can know in this quiz what NPP worker you would be. There's only the most seen, and this test is a bit run off of people. Im sorry.

(I just didn't knew how to add the others.)If you want to take the quiz, go ahead. I tried my best on this one because I like the serie.So, go ahead and discover what character you would be.

Created by: Akaneeee
  1. The power in the reactor is decreasing, you...
  2. The power reaches 20 when the max is 3600, you..
  3. The power rises to 200
  4. The power starts rising
  5. The power reaches 33,000 and even more.
  6. The core explodes. And you're fired, you..
  7. You get ARS by trying to help
  8. This one is if you survived.Would you count it after?
  9. How did you felt with this quiz?
  10. Do you like maths?

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Quiz topic: What Chernobyl NPP worker am I
