*Real Therian Quiz**

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Take this quiz test if your a Therian 0: A therian identifies as a species of non-human animal on every level except physical. They often engage in their animal identity's behaviors. You may be a therian if you notice yourself shifting (getting impulses to behave as a non-human animal) or if you remember a past life as a specific animal.

Have fun don't lie A therian identifies as a species of non-human animal on every level except physical. They often engage in their animal identity's behaviors. You may be a therian if you notice yourself shifting (getting impulses to behave as a non-human animal) or if you remember a past life as a specific animal.

Created by: @TherianLover of this site A therian identifies as a spec
(your link here more info)
  1. Why are you here?
  2. Do you know what a Therian is?
  3. Do you think you are a Therian or do you just know you are?
  4. Do you growl or hiss?
  5. If you got to choose your life what would you pick?
  6. If you got to pick your theriotype what would you pick.
  7. Do you like animals?
  8. Is a therian a furry?
  9. This does not give u points but do you do quads or know what quads are.
  10. Do you know what theriotype means?
  11. Did you like this quiz?
  12. Can you pick to be a therian?
  13. Were you born a therian?

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