.+*Are you a therian?*+.

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Hii! This quiz is to help you know if you’re a therian!This might not be accurate so please don’t sue me 😝 I recommend researching is if you’re still not sure Thanks and enjoy! Don’t forget to follow 😉

Okay so I have to to another paragraph so don’t mind me hehehhehehe; I’m baddie I know I slay so bad like a shawty I shat my pants I million times don’t ask me whyyyyyyy

Created by: Thunder_paws
  1. Have you ever felt a tail/animal ears/animal nose/ paws/claws..etc…?
  2. Do you have a connection with an specific animal?
  3. Do you have animalistic behaviors or thoughts?(Barking/hissing/howling perfectly or thinking like an animal specificly)
  4. Do you own more than one gear?(animal masks/animal FAKE tails/animal FAKE ears/animal paws…etc)
  5. Have you awakened yet?
  6. Fav signers? (Will not effet ur answer)
  7. Will u follow me? (Will not effect ur answer
  8. What are your pronouns?
  9. I need 10 questions so what’s ur fav color? (Will not effect your answer)
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: .+*am I a therian?*+.
