Are you animalistic?

This quiz will show how animalistic you are, canine and feline. There is 11 questions...i dident want to make it too short or too long lol. Theres also questions abt therian stuff.

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Created by: harley
  1. Do you like being outside or inside?
  2. Do u like to be petted on ur head by ur friend and/or partner?
  3. How do u stretch?
  4. Do u make animal-like sounds? (be honest!!)
  5. Do u feel sometimes like u have a tail, ears etc? but arn't actually there?
  6. do u know wut a therian is?(this wont effect ur answer!)
  7. when ur alone do u sometimes act like an animal?(fox, cat, dog, etc.)
  8. do u prefer tight or loose(baggy) clothes?
  9. Do u feel like u might have been an animal in ur past life?
  10. do u feel cat-like sometimes?(like u curl up like one sometimes, make ur hands look like claws, eat 'kibble', play with little toys around the house/room etc.)
  11. Okay, thats was it, bye✨(this wont effect ur answer)

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Quiz topic: Am I animalistic?

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