Which Instrument Could You Naturally Play?

Do you play piano, guitar, flute, drums, or harp? Here you will choose things describing yourself and this quiz will answer your question about which basic instrument you should start learning how to play based on your natural talents!

Do not let this decide for yourself what instrument you want to use, but use this as a goofy, entertaining quiz which might result in the slightest bit of truth, or not! Thanks for clicking on this, and I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Moonspider
  1. What's Your Favorite Kind Of Music?
  2. Which Would You Use To Describe Yourself?
  3. How Would Your Friends Describe You?
  4. What's Your Favorite Instrument?
  5. Do You Like Being The Center Of Attention?
  6. What Is Your Age?
  7. What Is Your House Like?
  8. Would You Rather...
  9. Choose...
  10. And Lastly, Did You Enjoy This Quiz?

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