What popular or common horse breed are you?

This quiz was a quick making and took a little researching to get some of the answer choices….. but over all I think this one turned out better than some of my previous ones…. Please enjoy and answer honestly.

In this quiz you will get to find out what horse bree d you are from 10 possible answers. Please have fun and answer honestly for a more accurate result!

Created by: MoonSlayer3162
  1. If you could choose any coat color what would it be?
  2. If you got to choose one equestrian sport to compete in for the rest of your life which would you choose?
  3. Which style would you use?
  4. It’s raining outside, what would you do?
  5. Favorite color?
  6. Favorite one of dese?
  7. Least fav coat color?
  8. Favorite Black Beauty horse character?
  9. Favorite Book?
  10. Favorite Harry Potter Character?
  11. Favorite Element?
  12. Favorite wild animal?
  13. Favorite Season?
  14. Favorite Activity? (As a human as yourself)
  15. Favorite Greek Goddess or god?
  16. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  17. Should I make more like this? (One comment and I will! :) )
  18. Bye! Have a great day!

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Quiz topic: What popular or common horse breed am I?
