Zombie Apocalypse Quiz

There are very little smart people in this world and I think the question is ARE YOU ONE OF THEM come one come all the best zombie quiz you'll ever take(p.s.tell your friends)

Are you smart enough to take my ultimate zombie mega challenge guaranteed to but your mind to the challenge come challenge your brain I guarantee you won't regret it.

Created by: Matthew Fox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You find out there is a zombie Apocalypse happening your first reaction?
  2. Your driving in the country and see a man in his late 20's fighting against 10-15 zombies what do you do?
  3. Your driving in the country and see a man in his late 20's fighting against 10-15 zombies what do you do?
  4. Your low on gas and drive by four places.
  5. Your low on gas and drive by four places.
  6. Oh noooo! The parents split up and are both being chased by disease walkers(aka zombies)what will you do?
  7. Your a group of 10 (you,your parents,your sister,the sheriff, an electrician with his daughter,and your older cousin and his twins)driving in three cars a mini van, a jeep,and a hummer but oh noooo glass popped two car tires from two of the three care and all you have is the jeep which seats 6 people who do you take?
  8. 10 zombies in front of you that look hungry what do you do?
  9. An axe,a sword,a butcher knife, and a chainsaw but you can only take two which do you choose?
  10. You find six strangers fighting zombies in the open road you are with a friend in a four seat car who do you take with you?
  11. Your driving down the street and bump into a car and the alarm crowds the streets with walkers what's happened next?
  12. The map you have says there two CDC centers one 40 miles away the other 75 miles away(you barely have any gas left )the 75 mile one goose left the other right but there's and unknown path in front of you which is not on the map what happens next?
  13. Your in a high school room trappened with zombies outside the door no windows what do you do?
  14. You just got bit oh sh** but your with your 12 year old son what happens next?

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