Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

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You wake up to your dog shaking....well that dog is dead now. Although it may be sad but if you are going to survive a zombie apocalypse you have got to learn what to do to survive it!

Are you the leader of the group? Or are you the one that slows everybody down? Try not to get distracted or next thing you know you'll be dead! Good luck!

Created by: Olivia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up to your dog shaking
  2. You hear strange noises outside and you decide to go see what going on. You head out side and see zombies!!! What do you do?
  3. You turn on the tv and the news comes on saying there's a zombie apocalypse then suddenly a zombie comes in
  4. (A few days later) you are walking along the street and you go to a shack it is full of weapons you shut the door and start grabbing weapons. Suddenly someone opens the door!
  5. Your friend just got bit in the arm by a zombie!
  6. You find food in a cafeteria!
  7. What do you wear for a zombie apocalypse?
  8. You find a little boy crying
  9. It's night time and you have nowhere to stay
  10. Do you think you survived the zombie apocalypse?

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