Would you survive zombie apocalypse

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Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Quiz!Ever wondered how long you’d survive if the undead took over? This quiz will put your survival instincts to the test and show you exactly how well you’d fare in a world where brains are the main course. Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or just someone who thinks they can outsmart the zombies with a good playlist, this quiz is for you. Take your best shot and find out if you’re a true apocalypse hero or if you’re destined to be the first one eaten.

How It WorksAnswer a series of tough questions about surviving a zombie apocalypse, and based on your choices, you’ll get a survival score between 0% and 100%. The higher your score, the better prepared you are for the chaos ahead. But don’t worry, even if you end up with a lower score, you’ll get some laughs along the way with our funny and slightly savage result messages. So, get ready it's time to see if you’ve got what it takes to make it through the end of the world... or if you’ll be a zombie snack!

Created by: Lia
  1. You're trapped in a building surrounded by zombies. What do you do?
  2. Which weapon would you prefer to carry during a zombie apocalypse?
  3. You come across a group of survivors. How do you approach them?
  4. It's nightfall, and the zombies are getting closer. What do you do?
  5. You’ve run out of food and water. What’s your next step?
  6. How would you deal with a bitten friend?
  7. You find a stash of supplies but there's only enough for one person. What do you do?
  8. Your group has to cross a zombie-infested area. What's your strategy?
  9. A stranger offers to join your group, but you’re unsure if you can trust them. What do you do?
  10. A horde of zombies is approaching your hideout. What’s your first move?

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