Will you survive the apocalypse?

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You may never know when the apocalypse will happen. But some of us know if we want to survive it all depends on our decisions . If you make ONE wrong decision everything can go wrong.

Take my quiz to see if you're a true zombie apocalypse survivors. In just a few minutes you can find out if you will not survive. Survive more than most, or make it through the apocalypse

Created by: Yousif alsaqlawi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear that there is a mysterious brain parasite that is taking over humans and making them eat human flesh. What do you do?
  2. Where would most likely be your base?
  3. You encounter a survivor who needs help but is also infected what do you do?
  4. Who would want to join your group?
  5. You encounter another group what do you do?
  6. You hear that a horde of zombies is coming your way what do you do?
  7. 4 members of your group got killed by zombies what would you do?
  8. Do you have the will to survive?
  9. Do you think the apocalypse is fun? (No effect)
  10. Did I do a good job on this quiz, it's my first one so yeah. Also sorry for grammar mistakes.. Not easy making this on a iPhone with those tiny letters

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the apocalypse?