Your Warrior Cats Life (Long Results, She-cats Only) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Your Warrior Cats Life (Long Results, She-cats Only).
You are a ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes. You are loyal and short-tempered. You're father is a ThunderClan warrior and your mother is unknown. Your only littermate, Nightpaw died in a battle with ShadowClan. After her death, your father Ashwhisker told you a secret, your mother is a RiverClan warrior, Fallowbreeze and your brothers are Emberpaw and Sparrowpaw of RiverClan. You became a warrior, Duskpool and fell in love with a tom named Icefur. You became mates and you became a well-known cat. Your mate Icefur died a honored death, defending you. Five moons later, you had Icefur's kits, Echokit: a silver tabby she-cat and Icekit (after Icefur): a gray-and-white tom. Ashwhisker died from an infected wound, Fallowbreeze, Embermoon, Sparrowclaw, you and your kits were there. He apologized for his wrongdoing with Fallowbreeze, but he admitted that he didn't regret anything. When your kits were only three moons old, you died from greencough and joined StarClan. Icefur was there to welcome you. You and Icefur watched your kits grow from StarClan. You were so excited when your kits became warriors, Icekit became Iceheart, and Echokit became Echostream. You and Icefur were overjoyed when Echostream had her own kits, Ivykit, Sorrelkit and Duskkit.
I’m Duskpool!
You are a ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes. You are loyal and short-tempered. Your father is a ThunderClan warrior and your mother is unknown. Your only littermate, Nightpaw died in a battle with ShadowClan. After her death, your father Ashwhisker told you a secret, your mother is a RiverClan warrior, Fallowbreeze and your brothers are Emberpaw and Sparrowpaw of RiverClan. You became a warrior, Duskpool and fell in love with a tom named Icefur. You became mates and you became a well-known cat. Your mate Icefur died a honored death, defending you. Five moons later, you had Icefur's kits, Echokit: a silver tabby she-cat and Icekit (after Icefur): a gray-and-white tom. Ashwhisker died from an infected wound, and Fallowbreeze, Embermoon, Sparrowclaw, you and your kits were there. He apologized for his wrongdoing with Fallowbreeze, but he admitted that he didn't regret anything. When your kits were only three moons old, you died from greencough and joined StarClan. Icefur was there to welcome you. You and Icefur watched your kits grow from StarClan. You were so excited when your kits became warriors, Icekit became Iceheart, and Echokit became Echostream. You and Icefur were overjoyed when Echostream had her own kits, Ivykit, Sorrelkit and Duskkit.
Duskpool, pawsome name! I do tend to be short tempered and loyal as well. I'm glad I got to have a mate and kits. I do see myself dying from greencough sense I wanna be a medicine cat. Pawsome quiz mate.
Duskpool 86%
You are a ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes. You are loyal and short-tempered. You're father is a ThunderClan warrior and your mother is unknown. Your only littermate, Nightpaw died in a battle with ShadowClan. After her death, your father Ashwhisker told you a secret, your mother is a RiverClan warrior, Fallowbreeze and your brothers are Emberpaw and Sparrowpaw of RiverClan. You became a warrior, Duskpool and fell in love with a tom named Icefur. You became mates and you became a well-known cat. Your mate Icefur died a honored death, defending you. Five moons later, you had Icefur's kits, Echokit: a silver tabby she-cat and Icekit (after Icefur): a gray-and-white tom. Ashwhisker died from an infected wound, Fallowbreeze, Embermoon, Sparrowclaw, you and your kits were there. He apologized for his wrongdoing with Fallowbreeze, but he admitted that he didn't regret anything. When your kits were only three moons old, you died from GreenCough and joined StarClan. Icefur was there to welcome you. You and Icefur watched your kits grow from StarClan. You were so excited when your kits became warriors, Icekit became Iceheart, and Echokit became Echostream. You and Icefur were overjoyed when Echostream had her own kits, Ivykit, Sorrelkit and Duskkit.
72% Shadestar
72% Honeysong
58% Owlfeather
58% Frostpetal
0% Bramblefur -
Your Result: Honeysong 86%
You are a cream-colored she-cat with white paws and chest, and blue eyes. You are caring and sweet. You were the only surviving kit of Stormclaw and Mothnose. You became a medicine cat apprentice. You realized you would be better as a warrior apprentice, so you became apprentice to Lilyclaw. You soon became Honeysong, a RiverClan warrior. The clan got plagued with BlackCough, a dangerous fever disease that cats could die from if left untreated for a time. RiverClan had run out of borage, the winter had been too harsh. Graystar sent Spidertail and you to go on a journey to find some. Half way through the journey, Spidertail came down with BlackCough and died. You were left to complete your journey. You found a fresh supply and came back to your clan. Poolsplash, Reedheart and Quailwing had died. Once every cat was treated, they all survived, your journey had been worth it. Graystar revealed that you were apart of a prophecy: One kit, kit of the storm (referring your father, Stormclaw)will save RiverClan. You had completed the prophecy, the clan was saved! You died from a fire, and your lost brother Sandkit welcomed you to StarClan.
i got Shadestar :3. I think it was a great quiz. you should definitely make more of these in the future!
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