How much do you know about Warrior Cats?

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Find out if you really know THAT much about Warrior Cats.. There are ten questions in this quiz determining wether you are a super mega fan or if you have barely read any of the Warrior Cat series by Erin Hunter.

(follow me on scratch my usernames are @OnestarTherian and @iisblue4eva) Credits: the image on this quiz is from google!! It is not my image!! BTW if you got a low score read some more Warriors!

Created by: Blue
  1. What Clan scavenges for fish, lives by the water, and learn to swim at a very young age?
  2. What Clan scavenges for hares, lives on the moor, and are fast?
  3. What Clan are the Warrior ancestors?
  4. What Clan scavenges for rats, lives by the carrion place, and the apprentices don't listen?
  5. What Clan scavenges for squirrels, lives in a forest, and love fighting.
  6. What Clan scavenges for birds, lives in a forest, and climbs tall trees?
  7. How did Snowkit die?
  8. Who is Mistystar?
  9. Who is Onestar
  10. DID YOU ENJOY THIS QUIZ!?!?!?!!??!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Warrior Cats?
