Your Strange Life at Hogwarts (Part 9)

Hey guys, I am FINALLY back!! Yay!!!! Anyway, I'm sorry for not posting in this series, but I was rather busy. I've had school, I was transferring all of my previous quizzes (other than shoutouts, opinions, and Life and Love at Hogwarts), thinking of whether I should restart that series or not, and I was planning my 'wedding.' You can find something about my 'wedding' (My Harry Potter fantasy!) and a quiz for my plans of Life and Love at Hogwarts on my account page! Also, results and options are lame! Thanks!
Recap: you got the dark mark, and everyone hates you; other than Slytherins, Tatyana, and Hermione. Dumbledore is having Snape get rid of it for you. The death eaters wish for you to make Harry an easy target which you don't want to do; even though he hates you at the moment. Accio quiz!