Your Strange Life at Hogwarts (PART 10)

Part ten! Lucky double digits, yay!!!! Anyway, I think that this will be your two detentions and chances are that it will be longer than most. I hope you like it, I'm super excited for it! Also, I have no time limit for commenting! Comment as early as you want or as late as you want! I'm fine, just comment so I know who takes my quizzes! Accio recap!
Recap: You got detention from Snape for melting your cauldron, and detention from McGonnagle for being up after hours. You have the Golden Trio as your friends along with Neville and Cedric Diggory. Also, Snape had been pulling out your hair and you got a protective locket from Sirius Black. You also found out that Sirius had a thing for your mum. ;) O_o
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