Your kittypet mate! -- for she-cats

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IGNORE THIS- mrrow mrrow Wildcraft Lightning Ghost Anxiety Jake Lilly Misty Jayce Rey Fall Maze Bone Starwolf My username is Windrunner Im bored and outta ideas

k j h g f d s a z x c v b n m aw q e r t y u i o p l k j h g f d s a m n b v c x z q w e r t y u i o p g f d s h j k m n b v c xz a s d g f h u y t

Created by: Wind_Runner
  1. Your in a unfamiliar place, when two unknown toms step out of the shadows. One is a tigertabby with amber eyes. The other is a graytabby with blue eyes. Both have white paws. What do you do ?
  2. "Hi im Socks," the gray tabby says. "And im Tiger, " says the other one , shouldering Socks away. You..
  3. They invite you to their twoleg den. You accept, but say your not going inside. When your there , Tiger stays outside with you. You guys end up playfighting, while you think..
  4. Its a few moons later, your still living in Tiger and Socks garden, when your hunting and a white blur knocks into you.You..
  5. "Oh, sorry.." he says. " Im Cloud, who'r you?" he says cheerfully . " I Y/N, " you answer. He looks over your pelt, and says " Oh, you have a bramble in your fur. " he leans over, taking it out with his teeth. You..
  6. Then Tiger comes over, from the undergrowth. " Hey Y/N ," he says raking his amber eyes over Cloud. " Who's this?" he asks .
  7. " Come back home, " Tiger says to you. " Ok." you answer. Once your there, Socks is hanging out with a gray tom with incredible blue eyes. " Hey, Socks." you say. " Hi, Y/N, this is Jake." " Hey," Jake says.
  8. You fall asleep, you dream about...
  9. Its been a few moons. Jake is playful, understanding, and in love with you. As is Socks, Cloud, and Tiger. Socks and Jake dont hang out anymore.
  10. Now... who do you choose to be your mate?
  11. Whoever you choose, they say yes. Your with whoever you picked when a fox attacks you. " Y/N" You hear your mate yelp. Then... CLIFFHANGER

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Quiz topic: My kittypet mate! -- for she-cats
