Warrior cats love story(girls only)

PLEASE READ THIS NOW or else You are now in the mind of Rainkit, a white kit with gray dapples. There are two kits chasing after you and you will have to choose between them.

The two kits are Silverkit a gray tabby tom and Shimmerkit a silver tom with a pelt that shines in the sunlight. This is my first time making a quiz so sorry if you don’t like it. But I hope you enjoy it.

Created by: Rainsong

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You opened your eyes to see 2 cats in front of you. They were your parents. There was a silver dappled queen and a shining gray tom.
  2. “You can go play with your siblings and the other kits outside,” said your father.
  3. You bounded out of the nursery. But you bumped into another kit. “Sorry. My name is Rainkit. What’s yours?” you mewed, blushing. My name is Silverkit,” he mewed also blushing.
  4. “Hi you lovebirds,” said a kit teasingly,”I’m Rainkit’s brother, Dustkit.”
  5. “This is your sister Icekit,” mewed Dustkit pointing to a light gray kit.
  6. “And this is Shimmerkit,” said Dustkit pointing to a muscular shiny gray tom.
  7. Who do you like so far?
  8. From now on ____ means Silverkit/Shimmerkit
  9. Who is ______?
  10. Bye

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