Your Blueberry aftermath

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This Quiz gives you a result based on what the aftermath of your blueberry transformation would look like, it gives you a rough idea of what blueberry you would end up like.

This quiz is for all genders and I hope you enjoy it. Please keep in mind that this quiz may not be perfect as it is my first one, so please be kind:))

Created by: pipitur
  1. You snatch the gum from the machine and start chewing…
  2. Wonka tells you to spit out the gum, but as he does you feel the dessert hit, blueberry pie and ice cream. Wonka’s face turns into one of worry. You…
  3. “They’re already turning blue” Wonka exclaims. You start to feel strange, surprisingly warm infact, especially in your butt, belly and chest, you look down and feel your ____ and see that your skin is starting to turn a pale blue.
  4. Wonka urges you to spit the gum out but as he does a surge of juice fills your mouth, in an attempt to not embarrass yourself by spitting, you swallow the juice as fast as possible. You take a huge gulp to get it all down in one go. However, afterwards you try to go back to chewing the gum but can’t find it in your mouth. You…
  5. Suddenly the warm sensation from earlier is multiplied by 10 times as you feel your body swelling and growing in all places, as if you’re getting fatter and fatter by the second, except it isn’t fat that’s causing it ,”The juice!” Wonka exclaims.
  6. You have now reached a huge size, you tower over all of the other your guests and Wonka himself, however your body continues swelling, getting bigger and bigger by the second, the sloshing, gurgling, groaning all deafen you as they drown out the sound of everything else in your surroundings, letting you focus solely on howmuch you are swelling. You…
  7. As you continue to grow and swell larger and larger, you feel your skin changing, some of the pressure that had built up was starting to ease up, you reach for your ____ and notice that, apart from the colour shift to a deep purple, your skin had become, extremely elastic, conforming to every one of your touches, you could only try to compare it it memory foam but this surpassed even that by miles.
  8. You feel the swelling start to slow down but as it does, you feel it ramp up for a split second where you get hit with the largest surge of growth you have experienced, it instantly exceeds the amount of juice your body can hold and causes even your newly elastic skin to create huge amounts of pressure in your body. You feel the pressure slowly start to die down, however, this isn’t for no reason as you start leaking juice from your…
  9. As the swelling finally starts to die down you hear your stomach churning, groaning, and gurgling, you ask Wonka why that’s happening after the swelling has stopped and he tells you that it’s because your body is trying to digest all of the blueberry juice in your system. As you start slowly discharging all of the juice in your system you play with your…
  10. Once you have, for the most part stopped leaking, Wonka asks you a question, do you want to be fully juiced or do you want another piece of gum

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