YCM Misc Member Quiz

Ok so you're here because that misc post sent you, huh? well then take this quiz to see how will I will rate you! Dont forget to post your results on that misc topic that sent you!

This Quiz will test your knowledge, on my tastes and ideas! So right of the bat you know that your'e in for a ride! The stakes couldnt have been lower! Good luck YCMer!

Created by: 894630
  1. Do you know me?
  2. When was the TGC's "Golden Age"?
  3. Who would you vote for?
  4. Which Gaming System is the best?
  5. Which Fad on YCM is your favorite?
  6. Which of these would you rather eat?
  7. Which car is the best?
  8. What should we do with the immigration issue?
  9. Which 2015 game is better?
  10. How do you make a name for yourself in YCM?

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