YCM Misc quiz 2

Here's a second quiz for you guys. Hopefully you'll do better as I made it a bit more easy. Good luck and don't forget to post your results in the topic that sent you here!

This is quiz based on my tastes but this time it won't be too hard, I think. Either way just because you did bad doesn't mean you'll get a bad review :p

Created by: Chimichanga Man
  1. Which of these sports do you watch?
  2. What job would you prefer?
  3. I two people you knew got into an argument you would..
  4. Who would you rather have as Smash DLC?
  5. What Pizza do you prefer?
  6. Would you rather...
  7. What dog breed do you prefer?
  8. Do you think all people are born good?
  9. Who created the current misc fad?
  10. Which one of these are the worst?

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