What cat is like your warrior OC?

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This is a quiz to see which of my OC's or friends OC's are most like your cat OC! You can do this quiz for other purposes if you'd like, please enjoy!

The possible results are Freezeflight, Light, Needlefire and Rainheart, all in which are in a very special roleplay called Dawn Of Fire on Scratch. The average cat will get a misc, but that means they aren't very mixed.

Created by: Ginny
  1. What rank is you're cat?
  2. What clan would you rather be in?
  3. What disabilities does your cat have?
  4. How would you describe your cat?
  5. How much does your cat like others?
  6. What color is your cat?
  7. What powers does your cat have?
  8. What siblings does your cat have?
  9. Where does your cat like to go?
  10. How sane is your cat?
  11. Is your cat scared to fall asleep?
  12. Is your cat prone to possession
  13. Does your cat have any of the below?
  14. Does your cat like singing?
  15. How does/did your cat die?
  16. What's your cats worse fear?
  17. Does your cat have a bad past?

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Quiz topic: What cat is like my warrior OC?
