WUT type of cat you should get

If you are wondering what type of cat suits you best do this (kinda short) quiz! XD yah um some of the questions are kinda weird(in a way)................. Ignore the dots .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,mz.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.zmz.xk,.

πŸ™€πŸ˜½πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»if u luv cats then do this quiz!πŸ€—For example I put "did you like this quiz" I couldn't think of any questions. The extra questions don't erect your score!

Created by: Bob the cat
  1. What color are your eyes πŸ‘€?
  2. W hate your fav color?
  3. How often do you shower?
  4. Which should u rather do if u were a cat
  5. Wh at r u like compared to your family?
  6. Ummm I don't know anymore questions......Which cat do u like better?
  7. ....What type of movie do u like?
  8. Don't bother with these questions okie?
  9. R u actually gonna answer this?
  10. ......?Wut?

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