Which of my WOF Fan-tribes are you?

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Hello! Welcome to my second ever quiz! It's kinda short, just letting you know, because I didn't know what other questions to put 😅! Anyway today you will find out which of my WOF Fan-tribes you are!

You wanna know how short my quiz is? ... Ready? Five questions. Five. I know! 😅 Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I'm to lazy, and I just might be. So.... Yeah. Anyway, let's get started!

Created by: HollowTheCatDragon
  1. First of all, hello! Where would you live, if u had the choice?
  2. Alright, what do you do in your spare time?
  3. Nice, favourite WOF tribe?
  4. Which is ur personality, or close to it?
  5. I know it was short, but I'm running out of questions. How did you like it?
  6. Haha! You thought I was done! Running out of questions. Fave colour? *Hides behind rock*
  7. Running out of questions, so RP time! Your trapped in a cave with the dragon you hate most. The cave only has one door, but it's made of iron and it's locked with a thick padlock outside. What do you do?
  8. RP! One of your friends tells you he likes you more than a friend. What do you do?
  9. Uhh umm... Fave animal?
  10. Ok umm... Alright well again how did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of my WOF Fan-tribes am I?
