Which career suits you

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Everyone wants to be something someday , right? Well i hope so, this is a quizz to verify which career suits you best are you a more creative kinda worker?

Or are you smart practical straight forward inside the box kinda guy? Either way everyone deserves a good future and a good career they can enjoy to go with it

Created by: Falco
  1. Are you above or under 18?
  2. Do you like music
  3. (Continuation to number 2) if so what type?
  4. Do you watch anime or read manga
  5. Which one where you/are you in school
  6. Drawing vs painting
  7. What is 106,000÷34 then the answer rounded by 10 then that answer × by 2 ( no calculator ) can you figure it out
  8. Which subject do you strugle in
  9. Which subject do you do well in
  10. Which iq group are you in?

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Quiz topic: Which career suits me
