Would you go to U.A. or join the League of Villains | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Would you go to U.A. or join the League of Villains.
Would you go to U.A. or join the League of Villains
Your Result: League of Villains 91%
You know how to get your way. You want to do that thing in the noblest way, even if it doesn't seem that way to other people. You are doing the right thing for yourself.
32% U.A. High School
Nice quiz I really wanted it to be villain because villains are just victims whose story hasn't been told like me I've been bullied recently so the villains in this anime speak to me they all have trauma where the hero system failed them so I agree maybe if I become a villain they will notice my story/trauma I think that's how the villains think
Your Result: U.A. High School 88%
You know the true value of justice, or at least want to help it. Even if you have flaws, you are working for the right side, no matter what it takes. I will become a hero no matter the cost and save millions of lives!
Eevee11 -
Your Result: U.A. High School 91%
You know the true value of justice, or at least want to help it. Even if you have flaws, you are working for the right side, no matter what it takes.
2% League of Villains
i like that not bad -
Would you go to U.A. or join the League of Villains
Your Result: League of Villains 87%
You know how to get your way. You want to do that thing in the noblest way, even if it doesn't seem that way to other people. You are doing the right thing for yourself.
24% U.A. High School
I'm now the U.A. traitor!!!! Now people know!!!!!
can i be U.A. traitor #2?
uld you go to U.A. or join the League of Villains
Your Result: League of Villains 86%
You know how to get your way. You want to do that thing in the noblest way, even if it doesn't seem that way to other people. You are doing the right thing for yourself.
32% U.A. High School
Your Result: U.A. High School 89%
You know the true value of justice, or at least want to help it. Even if you have flaws, you are working for the right side, no matter what it takes.
Oh fun. Im in the LEAGUE!!
MhaFan2 -
same :)
My result is 89% for U.A High School. I'm not a villain! (I really don't like it when someone is hurt.)
i got the league
i honestly had no idea what i wanted, so i did this, and im a villain! so cool! (Toga would be my BFF and Dabi and Shiggy my boy best friends)
Wow, 93% U.A.
I go to UA Yay
i go to U.A. high school. So that means I get to see Todoroki. Yay!
I have UA
Lov: 84aheat751
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