Would you dare go to Neverland?

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Would you dare go to Neverland? Or would you not dare at all? In this quiz you will find out. GIRLS AND BOYS QUIZ! Sorry if the quiz is bad.....I did it in a rush

No body reads the top paragraphs I dont know why we have to write anything here! I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES I DO I DO!!!! FAITH, TRUST AND PIXIE DUST! ??????????????????????

Created by: evelyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Sitting in your bedroom, the window is open letting the cool winter wind blow into your room. Feeling chilly you walk over to close it. Then you saw a boy hovering outside watching you. What do you do?
  2. He enters ''Im Peter Pan, Come away with me to Neverland were you never have to grow up.'' What do you say?
  3. IF YOU SAID ( HA! NO WAY! ) ******************************* Peter tell you '' Oh, come on! You will never have to grow up!''
  4. IF YOU SAID ( I.....WELL....MABEY....OKAY? ) ***************************** Peter tells you '' Good, Now I teach you how to fly!''
  5. IF YOU SAID ( TO NEVERLAND? YES! ) ******************************** Peter tells you '' Great! Now I will teach you how to fly !''
  6. He blows pixie dust at you '' Think happy thoughts''
  7. regardless of what you picked you ended up learning how to fly. peter yells ''Come on! Lets Go!''
  8. Thanks for taking the quiz sorry if it wasnt good. Now lets see If you dare go to neverland!
  9. Good bye!
  10. one last question.....ARE YOU A PANGIRL? (GIRLS)
  11. One last question.... Would you like to be a lost boy? (BOYS)

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