Would you be Tamaki Amajiki's little bunny?

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This is my first quiz. Made on March 12th, 2022 during the covid-19 pandemic and I just got a cold yesterday. Now I have to miss my friends birthday party today! :(

Anyway, i made this because I could and I wanted to. I also simp 4 him! He is very shy just like me! I am also very socially award. I am a 6 grader and SUCK at math. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Rose
  1. Your locked in a small walk-in closet with Tamaki. You have the first real conversation with him and he tells you he loves you. What do you do?
  2. You see another girl trying to flirt with him. What do you do?
  3. What is your worst asset?
  4. Why did you take this test?
  5. This was my first ever quiz. How much did you like it? Answer TRUTHFULLY any negative response does NOT hurt my feelings.
  6. Tamaki asks you out. What do you say?
  7. What is your favorite animal out of these?
  8. What is your best asset?
  9. What is your fist impression of Tamaki?
  10. What do you want his impression of you to be?

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