Would you be besties with Zoink or not. :3

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Yo! You might know me from Orb's server! Im here to give you a small quiz that'll probably see if you can be my bestie or not. :3 (well, maybe? Hehe, gl)

If you pass, you get free cookies for a lifetime! But if you end up failing my damn quiz...lets just say, I have a tank pulled up to your front door tonight.

Created by: Zoink :3
  1. What do I sometimes go by :3
  2. Whos my favorite staff member?
  3. How do I like my cookies?
  4. Am I a femboy? :3
  5. How much do you know about me so far? :3
  6. Are you my favorite staff member or on Zoink's favorite list?
  7. glorb glorb
  8. Am I really THAT gay?
  9. [NO EFFECT] Am I adorable :3
  10. How much do you care about me? :D

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